Mother And Baby

Make fitness fun with celebrity trainer Jason Rosell’s Caliente Body at-home workout series

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Jason Rosell launches “Caliente Body workout Series” celebrity trainer Brings the gym to the home with fun and Impactful new Programs February 9, 2017, Los Angeles, CA –

Caliente Fitness’ leading lifestyle expert, influencer and celebrity trainer, Jason Rosell, is launching the “Caliente Body workout Series,” consisting of three new transformative fitness programs designed to be executed in the comfort of one’s own home, utilizing one’s personal body weight. The workouts are titled “Caliente total Body,” “Caliente Abs,” and “Caliente Cardio”. renowned for his eclectic combination of (his own) music, dancing and workout routines (all available in English and Spanish), Rosell is a fervent ambassador for people who aspire to change their lives and lifestyles by losing weight and building muscle without having to join telocvičňa. This approach makes Jason’s workouts particularly valuable for moms on-the-go.

Rosell’s most recent series “Caliente Body work Out Series” allows for multi-tasking moms to make realistic changes in their lifestyle in as little as 15 minutes a day. This may mean finally being able to squeeze in a workout between nap time and soccer practice! What makes the program unique is that you can start at any level (beginner, intermediate or advanced) and continue to increase endurance and workout time. In fact, in this video Jason works out alongside client and pal Zinnia (who has lost 180 lbs), demonstrating the beginner moves. Jason has the tools and proven track record for success and has appeared on local stations across the country, including the Steve Harvey Show, Jillian Michaels’ “Sweat Inc.”. His original workout series “Sexercise,” was even featured on Saturday night Live. He also has his own incredible fitness story. At the age of 21, he reached his peak weight at 225 pounds. Standing at just 5 feet 6 inches, he was 75 pounds overweight, physically unhealthy, insecure and depressed. having battled many forms of adversity throughout his younger years, Jason typically felt discouraged or unable to work out at a gym because of intimidation, lack of time or money. He leveraged his limited time and resources with his love for fitness to overcome his health challenges. His journey is an inspiration to those who feel weighed down by their own challenges.

I had the opportunity of interviewing Jason recently about his career in the fitness industry, his fitness philosophy and how he stays motivated.

1. What inspired you to pursue a fitness career? has there ever been a time when you wished you had pursued something different? 

I was overweight for over 20 years, then later lost weight and became a TV and film actor with some good success. However, I noticed that I wasn’t as happy as I thought I would be. What I mean was, yes, it was terrific to experience the success of being on soap operas, TV shows, movies and billboards, but at the same time I was not fulfilled in life. The idea to pursue a fitness career first started when fellow actors on set saw the difference between how I looked before losing weight and how I look now. They would always be so shocked and curious about how I was able to achieve this change. From that point on, I decided to get really serious about food, fitness and health. now I am blessed to still be in the media entertaining people around the globe, all the while helping people, which is the most happy and fulfilling job in the world to me. 

2. Do you have a fitness philosophy? and if so, what is it? 

Change starts with the mind first, not with the body. many people think just by going to the gym they will get the results they desire. People need to make a mental change first in order to achieve results in the way they eat and workout. My motto is ” Mind Right, Body Tight”.

3. Do you have a favorite form of exercise? What do you do to motivate yourself to stay fit? 

I love doing bodyweight training! That is the type of training that got me in shape, keeps me in shape on a weekly basis and the basis of the Caliente Body series! These workouts not only helped me, but thousands of people in the past few years that have done my programs.

4. any advice for busy parents when they’re just starting, and to help them stay motivated once they reach their goal(s)? 

Take turns! By that I mean take turNS varenie a striedanie sa v dňoch tréningu, starostlivosť o dieťa atď. Ak obaja rodičia pracujú ako tím, pokiaľ ide o prípravu jedla alebo cvičenie, takmer vždy to zaručí úspech nielen udržiavaním rovnováhy zdravého života, ale tiež Udržiavanie šťastných detí a telá a mysle rodičov sú šťastné! Mám veľa pár klientov, ktorí spolu robia moje online programy na stratu tukov a fitness programy a sú schopní sa navzájom udržiavať zodpovednosť a mať počas celého procesu kamaráta. To znamená, že nemusíte opustiť dieťa s sitterom, pretože tréningy si môžete vychutnať z vášho domu. Páči sa mi, že môžem pomôcť rodičom žiť tam život zábavným a jednoduchým spôsobom.

Tu je upútavka série Jasonovej „Caliente Body Out Out“:

Séria „Caliente Body Workout“ je teraz k dispozícii na úplne novej webovej stránke spoločnosti Jason, pričom prístupné maloobchodné ceny začínajú iba na 19,95 dolárov. Cvičenia je možné zakúpiť jednotlivo alebo v zväzku.

Odkaz na tento príspevok: Fitness zábava s trénerom celebrít Jasona Rosell’s Caliente Body At-Home Workout Series
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